Take-Back Program

promoting Circular economy

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Reduce, Reuse & Recycle your PhilosoĎe Clothes.

We offer a take-back program where you can send your unwanted PhilosoĎe pieces back to us at the end of use (after at least 3 years) in exchange for a $20 gift card for each item received.

This helps us keep textiles & garments from ending up in the landfill.

*At this time we only take-back pieces made by us, if you would like suggestions on what to do with other garments check this link.

Please fill this form below to ship your pieces to us

What happens to these pieces?

We responsibly sort out and divide them into three categories:

  1. Rewear -> PhilosoĎe 2nd Life: clothes that can be worn again will be sold as second-hand pieces after being professionally cleaned, under our label PhilosoĎe 2nd Life (launching soon).

  2. Reuse: old and damaged clothes will be turned into other products, such as cleaning clothes, doll’s clothes and patchwork artisanal pieces.

  3. Recycle: everything else is turned into textile fibers and used for things like insulation.

    This way everything is back into the cycle.